Hi there! I’m Dixie, a mother of two wonderful boys, a yoga teacher, a scuba diver, a world traveler, a farmer’s daughter, a home gardener, nature lover and always a student of the garden.
I started gardening really early. Around the age of two I’ve been told. I don’t remember it, but I’ve seen pictures of myself covered in mud from head to toe while “helping” my parents plant their garden.
My Dad is an Idaho farm boy and when I was growing up, we always had a garden regardless of where we lived. Later, when I was in high school, our family moved back to Idaho where he (and all of us) started to once again farm the land he grew up on. He has taught me so much about the “how to” but also of the importance of growing your own food.
As an adult I’ve had many, many gardens and I’ve tried new things over the years. I’ve had some big wins and some colossal failures, but I’ve consistently been able to grow some of my own food. Then, after my kids were born, gardening took on new meaning. I wanted the best nutrition for their growing bodies, I wanted to know where the food was coming from and I wanted it to taste like it did when I was a kid. This is when I really started to focus.
My intention with Produce Your Produce is to share the things I know how to do and to bring the garden back into our everyday lives. I want to make it as easy as possible for everyone to have a beautiful, productive, delicious, organic garden of their own.